Dear Teacher,
The 17th of March is St. Patrick’s Day, and people all over the world celebrate all things Irish! You will find a list of all Ireland-themed Downloadable Worksheets on at this link, while this month’s first addition is, appropriately, based on an Irish jig: the worksheet for The Great Song Of Indifference by Bob Geldof, a song referred to as “an irreverent stab at apathy”, was contributed by ELT guru Roy Boardman, Naples.
Rihanna has been the most prolific female singer of recent years, so with International Woman’s Day on the 8th of March, this is a good time to publish her huge hit Diamonds. Submitted by Maria Pia Cortellessa, Rimini, your students will love it!
Given recent developments in Rome, and indeed with Easter at the end of the month, this is also a good time to publish My Sweet Lord, George Harrison’s biggest hit. This was written by Jules Reid, who is Italy’s newest OUP ELT Consultant, based in Naples.
Thank you to all teachers who have submitted worksheets – I look forward to receiving your contributions in the future.
I will be in Spain on the 10th March for TESOL’s 36th Annual National Convention – you can see a video presentation and my completed questionnaire here and on TESOL’s official site. I will also be presenting the Roadshow at the Universities of Seville and Huelva.
Thank you to all those who have sent in comments on the Roadshow – the tour will continue until the end of May. You can see a large selection of videos and photographs from over six years of the Roadshow on the Tune facebook page.
The Karaoke page of Tune Into English now features over 8,400 songs. You can sing along with the UK Top 10 Charts on the Speak Up site – updated weekly, there is a link on the Tune Home page too (One Direction are number one this week, with a charity cover of two old favourites…)
Why not film your students singing in the classroom? We would be delighted to publish the video!
Don’t forget to tell your students about the Tune Into English Drawing Competition – we have already received some wonderful Beatles drawings, and look forward to receiving more of your students’ (or even your own!) masterpieces!
New Team Up in English, the ideal course for the Scuola Secondaria di I° Grado, published by ELI, is now available – click here for more details – you can also download the Culture page about St. Patrick’s Day at this link.
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig, a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day! And indeed Happy Easter!
Best wishes,
Fergal Kavanagh
Tune Into English