2022-2023 Comments

Istituto Gesù Maria, Rome – 16 May 2023

“You moved their hearts.” – Prof.ssa Lisa De Angelis

UP School, Cagliari – 31 March 2023

“My boss wants to organise for next year already :-)” – Prof.ssa Sinéad Kennedy
Alessia: It was fantastic.
Raffa: The DJ was funny and good at making us sing and have fun.
Penelope: I loved dancing and singing with my classmates because I love music and English!
Aurora: I think the DJ is great fun and it was a very good experience also to learn English vocabulary and to be with my friends and have fun together.
Alessandro M: I think it was funny to dance and sing and learn English. We played, we sang, we danced…we learned English!
Diego: It was very good fun. There were a lot of songs that I liked…there were lots of kids together ..there was a great atmosphere and I loved being in a big group and singing and dancing together. It was a lot of fun.
Benedetta: It was exciting and fun. I learned some new words.
Sofia: I loved it, it was amazing.

Istituto Comprensivo 9 – “San Carlo”, Modena – 16 March 2023

“An amazing and surprising experience. I have seen how songs can be useful for teaching English. You are so engaging!
An experience to repeat!” – Prof.ssa Tiziana Aufiero

Scuola Media “Calderari”, Vicenza – 2 February 2023

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore di Lonigo “Rosselli-Sartori”, Lonigo – 1 February 2023

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Enrico Fermi”, Sulmona (AQ) – 27 January 2023

“Bellissima iniziativa, da ripetere!”

“Finalmente abbiamo fatto una cosa bellissima. Ci siamo divertiti molto.”

“The most fun I’ve ever had at school!!!” Students

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Ettore Majorana”, Avezzano (AQ) – 13 January 2023

Liceo Statale “Benedetto Croce”, Avezzano (AQ) – 13 January 2023

I.I.S. “Tulliano”, Arpino (FR) – 19 December 2022

“Your workshop is simply amazing!!!!!!!
You have shown that students, having fun and using the language of music, can spontaneously learn our beloved English language. I am very happy and proud to have met you and to have been able to appreciate your valuable teaching strategies and student engagement. We spoke to the Headmistress about the huge amount of positive feedback we received and decided to make the “Tune into English Roadshow” an annual project of our school!” – Prof.ssa Daniela Lecce

I.I.S. “Publio Virgilio Marone”, Mercato San Severino (SA) – 15 December 2022

“Thank you Fergal! You were amazing, as usual….!!!” – Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Salerno

Istituto Comprensivo “Alfieri Lante della Rovere”, Rome – 7 December 2022

“Thank you very much again for everything. Very nice show, we had a great time!” – Prof.ssa Luisa Cuppone

Istituto Alfani, Sesto Fiorentino (FI) – 6 December 2022

“Thank you for your energy and your show! It was amazing! Lots of fun!” – Maestra Valeria Bichicchi</ span>

Istituto Comprensivo “Luigi Sturzo”, Biancavilla (CT) – 16 November 2022

“The show was fantastic! Thank you for involving us in patricipating, singing and learning new words. Thanks for everything.” – Student

The Brit, Andrìa (BT) – 15 October 2022

“L’inglese si può imparare anche attraverso la musica, e così è stato anche per noi adulti ieri, abbiamo imparato nuove cose.”
“Ho apprezzato molto. La dimostrazione che si può imparare tanto con metodi più giocosi, più divertenti e sopratutto che stimolano l’interesse dei bambini e ragazzi. Molto innovativo.”
“Lo spettacolo è stato originale e conivolgente!”
“L’evento è stato bellissimo!”
“I bambini erano molto conivolti. Era molto dinamico così non perdevano la concentrazione.”
Students’ parents

Istituto Comprensivo “Vincenzo Galilei”, Pisa – 10 October 2022

“The show was very nice and funny. In my opinion this is the best way to learn the language. Thanks to Mr Fergal!” Iacopo

“We covered many topics, such as verbs, past simple, comparative, learning new words, and much more.” Luca

Language House, Cordenons (PN) – 7 October 2022

“A wonderful show as usual! The young audience knew all the lyrics! It’s always a pleasure to host the Roadshow. Using music to teach English is an effective and engaging way. On this occasion it also worked with adults!”
Silvia del Pup, school manager, via Instagram

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