

Liceo Dante Alighieri, Anagni (FR) – 11 April 2007

“I liked the show because it was very entertaining and involving for teenagers that don’t speak English very well.” Giada, IV A

“I like Fergal’s show. He “invented” a new way of learning English with music and songs.” Francesco A., IV A

“The performance was very beautiful! We had a good time and we enjoyed
working in a team.” Francesca C., IV A

ITIS Majorana, Cesano Maderno (MI) – 9 March 2007

“I think the Roadshow was great because Fergal managed to teach us English using modern music which was really good. This is an alternative English lesson” Andrea, 2AS

“The Roadshow was great fun because Fergal was fantastic. The team activities were very interesting and motivating!” Alessandro, 2AS

Ist.Tech. Agrario Raineri, Piacenza – 8 March 2007

“All our students said they enjoyed the show, especially the karaoke!
I’ve often used pop songs in my classes. Lyrics stick to your mind so it’s a wonderful and pleasant way to learn “bits of English”. Your show has gone beyond making the students be part of it. There was plenty of energy all around. A great time!” Prof.ssa Paola Fedele

Liceo Copernico, Bologna – 7 February 2007

“I liked the karaoke and Fergal’s way. I also liked being with students from other classes.” Carlotta, I A

“I liked the competition and the music. It was very good for the pronunciation.” Christian, II C

“The show was very funny and Fergal was very nice. We liked the songs that we sang, we laughed so much!” Sara and Cristina, I A

“I liked the songs because a lot of them were new and for young people. It’s a new way of learning English.” Luca, II C

“The show was a big success and students and colleagues are still thanking me for organising it!” Prof.ssa Carmen Scarabino

Liceo Scientifico “C. De Giorgi”, Lecce-14/15 December 2006

“With music we learnt to recognize verbs, new words and to speak English faster than before. We had a very good time: the show was marvellous. For me it was very exciting to learn English in this way.” Claudia, class 2 I

“Since the show we’ve all been very taken with songs and I’ve found that using songs with my students has been boosting their selfconfidence as they’ve been given a chance of showing their knowledge on something their teacher doesn’t know so well !! Way to go, Fergal, keep up the good work!” Prof.ssa Serenella Borrata

“Fergal succeeded in getting me to sing in public for the first time in my life! I’m quite out of tune but I enjoyed it all the same and my pupils liked it even more!” Prof.ssa Patrizia Sanguedolce

Liceo Sabin, Bologna – 1 December 2006

It was excellent! I loved it and I would take part in a similar show again. Alessandro, class 2 C

Prof. Kavanagh was charismatic. I had so much fun! Beatrice, class 2 C

I think we should do activities like this more often! Gabriele, class 2 C

It was very useful to learn new words and to revise verbs Diletta, class 2 C

Istituto Comprensivo, Ascea Marina (SA) – 17 May 2006

Click here

Sc. Media “Socrate”, Marano(NA) – 3 May 2006

Thank you for not not only freeing us of lessons for two hours, but also for giving us a great time! A student

My students, my colleagues and I had a really great time and fun! Prof.ssa Irene Majone

I.T.C.G “P.Calamandrei”, Sesto Fiorentino(FI) – 6 February 2006

I love listening to music and find it a great way of improving your English. I hope we have more activities like this – anyway I’m going to continue using similar activities alone.

I thought the lesson was both useful and enjoyable. I especially liked when we did the karaoke. It was a very original idea and I’d like to do it again.

A positive experience, great, enjoyable, involving, without losing sight of the main objective – learning English!

It was great fun. Prof. Kavanagh is very good and knows how to involve everybody.

The Language Centre,
S.Maria Capua Vetere (CE)
2002 2003

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