English Courses Abroad

Note: this page is no longer being updated. Please visit https://www.tuneintoenglish.com/english-courses-in-ireland/.

Update: due to a misunderstanding with the Ministero’s guidelines, it is not in fact possible to use the Carta del Docente for these courses. Apologies for any confusion.
Email from the Ministry:
Gentile professore, la faq 8 parla di enti qualificati che sono riferibili sempre alla direttiva 170/2016 o di enti culturali di paesi stranieri( con questa dicitura si fa riferimento a enti governativi… come ad esempio il british council, goethe institute, Etc.) Inoltre il documento che menziona successivamente fa riferimento agli enti certificatori di competenze linguistiche, abilitati a rilasciare certificazioni valide di lingua e non allo svolgimento dei corsi, per i quali occorre comunque essere accreditati ai sensi della direttiva n.170/2016. Pertanto se vuole usufruire della possibilità di erogare corsi ai docenti deve necessariamente essere un ente accreditato e aver effettuato la procedura di accreditamento che può consultare al seguente link: www.istruzione.it/pdgf.

Tune Into English works with Carlow International English Language School for junior summer courses, but has contacts with institutes throughout Ireland and the UK.

The schools below are all recognised by The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, and the Teacher Training Courses are valid for the Carta del Docente.

Please mention Tune Into English when you contact the schools.

Junior Summer Course:

€ 550 per week (2017 price) – includes morning classes, Full Board Host Family accommodation, cultural activity programme, evening social programme, full day excursion, Dublin Airport transfers.
Carlow International English Language School
Junior Summer Programme


Teacher Training Courses:

International Study Centre, Cork and Limerick:

€ 499 for 2 weeks, including accommodation (2017 price).
International Study Centre
Contact school for further details

Infinity English College, Dublin:

€ 350 per week (2017 price).
Infinity English College
Teaching English through TechnologyManaging PeopleMoodleClassroom Management ELT MethodologyIrish CultureCLIL

Alpha College of English, Dublin:

from € 400 per week (2017 price) – over a dozen courses to choose from.
Alpha College of English
Special offer: last 2 weeks of June 1 week General English, morning classes and 1 week accommodation – € 495

Atlas Language School, Dublin:

€ 370 per week (2017 price).
Atlas Language School
Teacher Training Course

Travelling Languages:

€ 1,270 per week, including accommodation (2017 price).
Travelling Languages
English with Methodology (Also available: Junior course)

Cork English World:

from € 470 per week, including accommodation (2017 price).
Cork English World
English Language Skills – Primary Teachers: 1 week, 2 weeksPronunciationBusiness

Cork English College:

€ 750 for two weeks (2017 price).
Cork English College
Contact school for further details

Galway Cultural Institute:

€ 900 for two weeks (2017 price).
Galway Cultural Institute
All programmes

Celtic School of English, Kerry:

€ 500 for 25 hour four day course, including accommodation (2017 price).
Celtic School of English
Teacher Training Course

Clare Language Centre:

from € 350 per week (2017 price).
Clare Language Centre
Experience Ireland

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